Leicester Law School hosts distinguished African lawyer and diplomat

An eminent lawyer and diplomat who was the first woman Legal Counsel of the African Union has brought the benefit of her experience to the University of Leicester.
Leicester Law School hosted a visit by Ambassador Dr Namira Negm, the current Director of the African Migration Observatory, a specialized agency of the African Union, from 5 – 8 March, where she met with staff and students and learned about the impact that their work is making.
Ambassador Negm’s distinguished career has included working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt, the Egyptian Mission to the United Nations, New York and in the Embassy of Egypt to the Netherlands. She previously served as Egypt’s Ambassador to Rwanda. She was the Lead Counsel of the African Union Legal Team before the International Court of Justice in the Chagos Advisory Opinion, the International Criminal Court in Jordan’s Appeal in the Al Bashir (of Sudan) case, and a Member of the Legal Team of Palestine in the Advisory Opinion on the Illegality of the Israeli Occupation to the Palestinian Territories, among other cases. She is the author of several books and articles, which include a book entitled An Introduction to the African Union Environmental Treaties, which had a launch at the University during her visit.
Her visit to the University encompassed a tour of Leicester Law School, where Ambassador Negm learned about the research currently being undertaken there. She spoke to students, staff and an invited international audience online, including on ‘The African Migration Observatory: A fundamental tool for Migration in Africa’ as well as participating in a roundtable conversation with Leicester University Law Society and the Pan-African Law Society on ‘The critical importance of law and lawyers at the international level and diplomacy’.
Finishing her schedule for the week was a student networking with the University’s Legal Advice Clinic, where Ambassador Negm met with students from the Pro Bono and Windrush (Migration) Compensation Project. Leicester Law School’s Legal Advice Clinic runs a free service where students, supervised by solicitors, assist those wishing to claim from the Windrush Compensation Scheme. Recently, they have voiced concerns that hundreds could be eligible for Windrush Compensation Scheme and not know.
Ambassador Dr Namira Negm said: “I was so happy to meet promising lawyers in the making – they provide positive energy and I believe the world will be a better place with their aspirations put to action.”
“It was a pleasure and great visit.”
Dr Eki Omorogbe from Leicester Law School, Ambassador Negm’s host, said: “It was a great honour to have Amb. Dr Negm with us at Leicester Law School. She is a truly inspirational figure. Academics and students enjoyed her insightful talks on international law issues of particular importance to the African region, and her enthusiastic engagement with us all.”