Bringing experience together to improve patient safety
A new video released on 10 October coinciding with World Mental Health Day, shares how three Communities of Practice are making a difference to mental health services across the East Midlands.
The Communities of Practice bring together staff and Lived Experience Contributors from across six mental health service providers to work together to identify and make improvements to local services, sharing their learning, resources, experience and skills across the region.
The Communities of Practice were established as part of a programme of work between Health Innovation East Midlands and the East Midlands Alliance for Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism with the aim of improving patient safety in inpatient settings. The Communities of Practice focus on three key areas for mental health services: Reducing restrictive practice, Sexual safety and Preventing suicide and self-harm.
HIEM Senior Improvement Lead, Hannah Jackson-Cox said: “The Community of Practice members have used their combined experience and knowledge to develop resources, surveys, action plans and toolkits, for staff and for those who use our mental health services to help to improve patient safety and patient care. We are looking forward to sharing more information on these over the next few months as they are finalised.”
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